no originality
The Keys to Your Heart |
 You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.
In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored.
You'd like to your lover to think you are optimistic and happy.
You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic.
Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets.
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.
You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.
In this moment, you think of love as commitment. Love only works when both people are totally devoted. |
hmm all tis reali rings a bell...btw i'm koppin all these quizzes from handsomes blog haha she alwaes finds reali interesting stuff
Your Birthdate: September 9 |
 Your birth on the 9th day of the month adds a tone of idealism and humanitarianism to your nature. You become one who can work easily with people because you are broadminded, tolerant and generous. You are ever sensitive to others' needs and feelings, and you are very sympathetic and compassionate.
Your feeling run deep and you often find yourself in dramatically charged situations. This 9 energy always tends to give more that it gets. |
wow tat makes me sound like a humanitarian or somethin...psst but actually tink i'm quite evil inside...
weee hols r here! hols r here! hols r here! lolx...can't wait for us to be done with pw in e first 2 wks den can enjoy, can't wait for badminton trainin to start but dun tink will be so soon coz of a'levels =< all my frens ard me are gettin jobs lar, cherr was e first, den teresa is in k-box now, kit's tokin bout gng to wild wild wet, saw cindy at kfc, my god is it jus me or isit a sign from god tat i shld pick my ass off my couch n get a job? wouldn't mind e money but one word LAZY =P
i've been feelin rather off balance these daes, haha partly coz i've been havin these groggy spells frm outta nowhere n i still dun noe e cause...also coz my life is jus off track, in a gd n bad way...
wat is home?
And I'm torn in pieces
I'm lyin there waiting for
My heart is reelingi've been reali pushed to my limits these daes, for some time home was neva a place i could obtain e peace i need from life, but i understood e circumstances n i tolerated as much as possible, but these daes i can't take it no more...i'm so tired, tired of xplainin myself to pple who will neva understand, pple who dun give me a chance, pple who onli tink e worst of me when they're e veri ones who raised me n shld noe me e best but in fact noe shit...everytime i fight back, i noe i hurt dem, but do they noe tat wat they say hurts me? do they noe tat everytime i fight back its like stabbing my own heart? its times like these tat i reali wanna runaway...pls lord, i need a break, i feel like i've done everythin they asked for, obeyed every command they've given, achieved things neva achieved b4, n yet i am given no pardon for anythin i do nor understandin for e fact tat my life might not be as rosy as it looks...
Now this angry little girl
Drownin in this petty world
God, it's good to be alive*OUT*
shoo fly shoo
its 11.20pm n i am pleased to announce tat i will finally be gng bk to slp in my rm!! haha ok ok coz like for a few wks deres been like tons of mosquitos campin out in my rm suckin my blood dry, so can't take it anymore, called e pest control pple to SPRAY ALOT OF INSECTICIDE TO KILL DEM ALL MUAHAHAHAHAHAH lolx sadist me, but hey deres onli so much sympathy a person can haf for another livin thing especially if it is literally suckin e life out of u!! but coz alot of insecticide equals to stinky-rm-to-e-pt-tat-u-can't-breathe-when-in-it i haf been parkin myself on e couch, not bad leh, didn't suffer frm bk pains or lack of slp even though my couch has such a small width tat u can't turn without fallin of haha...oh n unknown to me, e adults in e house bought me n my sis a double-decked bed...tink i'm gonna feel abit weird coz i've onli eva slept on e upper deck of a bed once, n tat was durin obs n i could barely slp a wink lar...i still rmb myself lyin on e bed lookin at e tiles of e roof thru e window, ay but tinkin bk i tink it may haf been coz e mosquitos were buzzin in my ear e whole time tat time hahaha oh see see how e mosquitos haf been botherin me all my life...considerin e fact tat i onli took action now, i tink i'm quite sympathetic alreadi k...
i can be promoted! yay! kinda suprised at my results n even foo lao shi say i made alot of improvement, but den again when u haf ct results like C O O e onli way u can possibly go is up i suppose...chi a'level is nxt, but chi has neva reali been my subj, i jus wan a B coz i tink tats e most i can possibly achieve for chi...oh n i must say I MISS E BADMINTON GURLS!! esp shuling (pro nerd/mugger, 4eva readin earli in e mornin), goat ( goat n sunbear rox!), mich lee (lets order bee hoon for real e nxt time we haf zi cha!), handsome (i miss takin bus with u!!), jingfang (though i see u ALL e time lolx)
You know you better than anyone elsewell, somethin happened tonite, it puts everythin @ risk...i dunno wat e future holds, i jus feel like givin up sometimes, but yet i neva haf...i'm confused, tink i'm fucked up too...i dunno if i can hold on, coz i dunno if things will eva be e same after tis...aiyo...nvm...
Can you hear it calling?
Can you feel it in your soul?
Can you trust this longing?
And take control,*OUT*
wooohoooo promos over man! out e window! dun ask me how i'll fair coz my response will be e usual one...but i do noe one thing, when i was showerin tonite, i suddenly became veri scared, a total uncontrollable fear concernin e issue above came over me n i haf no idea y, figuratively i felt vulnerable standin dere naked in e shower, i dun wanna face wats comin...den i snapped, nope e fear aint gonna control me...yes my heart will beat like its on cocaine e moment b4 i get my results, but hey if shit happens den it happens man...tinkin bout it now ain't gonna flush e shit down e toilet bowl, its onli bringin e shit closer to my face...ermm excuse me for e weird analogy BUT i've been kinda havin a bit of constipation these few daes =P
marathon badminton todae for 3hrs, bad idea, we so DO NOT haf e stamina to play badminton continuously for 3hrs, by e 1 1/2 hr mark, we were all dyin lolx...but seriously it felt reali gd to play badminton again, my solace from e world, ermm tink i didn't de-prove (hmm is tat how u spell it?) as bad as i tot i wld...e plan was to go to carl's jr to visit cherr who's workin dere later, but coz suprise mah, so when we got to orchard in our stinky jerseys n flip flops (memories of a previous xperience man! =P) we find out she's jus knocked off lar, lolx but nvm we made her come all e way bk! haha short legs in baggy red n black uni!! look even shorter! haha god i'm evil!! den she lead us thru marina car park, i swear i neva walk thru car park for sooo long b4 lar, haha like neva endin, but i must say its much shorter way k, go dere eat e gigantic burgers (we neva ate anythin for e rest of e day) n amazin tastin onion rings, gossip bout cherr's guys =P den haf trouble splittin e bill n den like typical singaporeans, decide wat to do to save money e nxt time we come here...oh but E ONION RINGS REALI ROCK!! walked round marina n suntec with charis, leeling, zhengyi n xtina but didn't reali see anythin tat caught my eye, wan new bag, wan new pencilcase but NEED new shoes...yup shoes e priority rite now...
Look at this photograph
Everytime I do it makes me laughtime crisised with xtina after e others left, haha tink they all tink we damm childish peeps who still can't breakaway from arcade, but e truth is, to me lar, i enjoy playin e game, e adrenaline it gives me, gives me somethin to focus on besides my fallin apart life n somethin to truely vent frustration on...oh did i mention i enjoy playin e game lolx...oh suntec got royce chocolate!! oh man i super luv tat brand of chocs but can't seem to find e one i reali like plus dun even rmb wats it called le shoot man...bused to katong to play fotohunt, NEW CHAMPIONS lolx...we beat e jolinangel woman/man/others whoeva, yay! ahahaha must go dere n play more often coz i dun wan pple to take our title!! walked to parkway to play pool, oh man i suck so i'm jus gonna fast forward lolx...sat on e benches in e park near pp...emotions runnin high...tamed in e end...
We used to listen to the radio
And sing along with every song we know HUNGRY!!! I CRAVE FOR MAGGI MEE!! BUT I BRUSH MY TEETH LE N I REFUSE TO EAT ANYTHIN AFTER DOIN SOOO!! (i can jus picture a certain someone gng "anal"!)