small world
i luv jc life! wait b4 u tink i've gone mental i dun mean tat i luv e life of a jc student, i jus tink certain aspects of jc is pretty cool...ok mayb jus one aspect...jc makes me realise how small a world we singaporean students haf...its like in jc everybody noes everybody else or everybody noes ur fren whom u also noe whom u also happen to noe their fren...m i makin sense? lolx dun matter...diff schs from all over e island mesh in jc den u realise ur pri sch fren is e best fren of ur classmate now or ur current cca mate is pri sch mates with ur sec sch best fren etc etc...i jus tink its damm intriguing lah n it reali makes ur realise its all bout fate...tons of sec sch students in e singapore education system n u had to meet these pple who alreadi noe some of e pple u noe...
tinkin bout it...isn't tat e principle tat makes frenster work? through one fren u find another n another n another...6 degrees of separation they say...everybody is connected to somebody else in tis world by @ most 6 frens/aquaintance/family member etc...pretty interestin shit huh?
shit...i wished i didn't tink of e 6 degrees thing...coz tat reali made me tink of u...i rmb we were eatin n tokin bout old frens...den i told u bout e 6 degrees thing n u were so impressed n interested...crap...i feel like crap now...i'm damm failure lah...
its over
phew!! its over...common tests pass quite fast actually...thank god i take 3 subj onli! but yet i alreadi feel kinda sick for all e essays i had to write lolx...dun ask me how it was coz i reali dunno...i can't say it was fantastic yet i can't say it was horrendous see how lor...
went to watch batman begins todae with my usual movie gang from our class...yes yes i noe i'm prolly like e latest among all u pple to watch it haix but jc students haf no life lolx...not bad lah...its definately got e best storyline among all e batman movies...n yes i've watched all e batman movies :P...but it felt a bit weird watchin batman ride around in a tank-like batmobile n i still can't figure out why when he's bruce wayne he can speak clearly but when he's batman he kinda hisses n all e saliva n stuff like traps his words so they're not clear at all!
i wanna go watch aviva open tomoro so kinda discussin with e gurls now...i wanna see taufik hidayat! lolx
bedok view sec sch our pride our hope our aspiration
went bk to bv todae for choir n band grad nite concert...while i kinda went bk to see all e pple, my juniors, all e frens tat i haven't seen in ages...a bit disappointin coz veri little pple came bk...but at least i got to catch up with joanne n yanlong again! lolx...yanlong rushed down from her lecture in tp n took a cab, onli for us to leave halfway when e show got boring to eat supper...saw all e teachers, n they all still remember me!! i noe i noe u must tink it's no big deal rite? but they forgot some pple leh...lolx...ok was veri nice to see mdm rao, mrs cheong etc all over again...but dunno y it felt awkward when i saw mrs lee...i tot i would say more to her but e words jus couldn't come out...mayb its coz i didn't noe if i shld speak to her bout e board on tis kinda occassion...saw xiao qing...must do somethin bout tis prob n help her or i'm a useless senior man...wonder i shld consult huixian n peisi on wat they plan to do...
walkin thru bv again...all e memories...all e familiar faces...den when i hung out with joanne n yanlong...everythin felt e was as if we didn't leave or separate...lolx...
e concert wasn't tat gd...e choir is sooo freaking small now so i cld hardly hear wat they were singin...n i tink e audio thingys were bad so e band was reali soft too...haha...was expectin a great show judgin from last yr's concert...
sorry i reali didn't mean to humiliate u like tat...i noe it took alot for u to ask me tat invite me so openly...but i didn't ignore u on purpose...was reali busy doin somethin n i didn't noe u were tokin to me...guess tat must b y u treated me so coldly later...can we try again? pls?
bk again
it's been a while since i saw u...i barely tot of u...e dreams all stopped too...den tis mornin...haix...when will i eva be rid of u in my head...when will u eva stop hafin such adverse effects on me!!!!!!!!!! can u hear e frustration in my voice lolx...if i hadn't heard ur voice yest...i prolly won't b dealin with this rite now...
But at least I can say I tried
I'm sorry but I gotta move on with my own lifei lost my extra $50++++ hp battery...woke up tis mornin n practically turned e house upside down tryin to find it...thankfully mummy is understandin n i didn't get a tongue lashin from her...jus told me to be more careful nxt time...spent e nxt few hrs muggin bio n chem...*fingers crossed* i reali hope i make it for common tests...
goin out for dinner later to celebrate mummy's bdae n belated father's day...haha...found out tat mich lee's mum's bdae is like 2 days after mine...den her grandma's bdae is e same as mich goh's we came up with tis ridiculous theory tat we're all family some how...
Now I’m dying in this hell*OUT*
mug mug mug
yest went for yoga! painful yet relaxin experience...i couldn't stretch lah...i'm so non flexible...haha...e guys could balance better den was like every 5secs, i was fallin over... :P...den e yoga class had tis veri interestin soundtrack playin, it was recordins of animal sounds, so in e middle of u tryin to concentrate n focus, u wld hear baboons or parrots, n jing2 jus couldn't control herself when she heard e baboon lah...she jus burst out laughin n caused everyone in e class to laugh also includin e teacher! i would say i did feel more relaxed after yoga, coz it kinda teaches u to focus ur mind, but i'm not sure if i'll go again coz my whole body was achin when i reached home due to all e stretchin...if someone pulls me to go n e cost remains $10 den i might consider lolx...
went to mug todae with mich lee n shuling...met up n tampines popular alevel section lolx...we practically made e area ours coz we like sat dere for half an hour jus choosin e right tb or tys to buy...den we went to mug under mich's block for e rest of e day...on our way to e bustop,we came across tis buncha kids playin badminton, n it was onli like 3 days ago since we last trained lah, but we were itchin like nobody's business, so we decided to be thick-skinned n ask if we cld borrow for a while to play...hahahah...damm enjoyable coz it was like, no nets, no courts, lousy shuttlecork, but we reali had fun coz there was no pressure to perform, we were playin becoz we wanted to n we were enjoyin ourselves...but i learnt a lesson, PROPER FOOTWEAR IS IMPT!! hahaha...i was wearin slippers, n i fell on my ass lolx...den later on too many pple were slippin, we took off our slippers n played barefoot, now my feet are like peelin lolx...i tink onli shuling's feet r alrite coz her skin is SOOOO THICK lah!....she had e cheek to rub it in tat it was better 2 haf thick skin den thin skin...lame sia tat gurl!
leavin on a jet plane
its 11pm now n i reali shld be in bed considerin how i haf to wake up @ 6.15am tomoro coz of yoga in tajong pagar...haix...but i dun feel like i'll jus blog...
planned to spend todae reali muggin till evenin where i wld go send yipin off...but i woke up late, den spent a little too much time on e comp, den i got bugged down by all e pw stuff...haix...ruined my day so when i finally got down to studyin it was like 1pm, n i studied till like bout 4.30pm n i onli completed like one chap of bio lah...after yoga tomoro i must must must study maths or i'm screwed for my tuition quiz...
sendin yipin off was a bit weird coz i'm not reali tat close yipin but still i feel i'll miss her...aiyo basically i'm not gd at i kinda wanted to get it over n done with...haha...i tink i got a bit emo...but luckily not many pple noticed...yipin cut her hair! she looks younger? haha...anyway all e best to u gurl! gd luck with pediatry...i tink tat's e spellin...all i noe is its somethin to do with e lower u dun haf any frens studyin tat man! nxt time if i haf any lower leg prob n i come see u u better give me discount! lolx...oh n her el name is sophia...
aiyo...all these dreams recently...its like i can't remember when was e last time i had a dreamless slp...last nite had a weird one but i can onli remember bits of it...somethin bout my mom comin home n buyin me 2 funky mechanical pencils, which is somethin i noe my mom will neva do coz she doesn't like dem lolx...den i dreamt of my fren's fren, as in to me she's jus a hi-bye kinda fren lah...she was askin me if i linked her blog to mine yet...n i said no coz i didn't noe she had a blog or somethin, but i'll do so...tat's all i remember...den when i woke up in e mornin, i switched on e comp, and reali was bout to link her blog to mine b4 i realised tat it was jus a i didn't in e end, den later, when i started muggin, i opened my pencil case n started searchin for e funky pencil tat i reali tot i had lah!...scarey shit man...i reali hope i will stop blurrin dreams with reality...
speakin of muggin...its reali time for me to push e panic button, coz i've still got tons i haven't covered!! haix...n whenever i haf trainin, i dun mug when i come home coz either i dun feel like it coz i've had too much fun, or coz i'm too tired...sometimes i wonder y i'm so committed to comin for every trainin, u noe i turned down an outin with e class peeps to go beach yest jus to go for trainin?! i miss goin to e beach soooo badly lah...n i actually told em i can't coz got trainin... :<
after trainin went to eat with e gurls,hahahahah they sat on e kiddy ride n it was hilarious man!! e thing got stuck when mich goh got on it so she had to get off n get on again lolx!!...den we were walkin liyi n mich lee bk home, den liyi decided it was funny to abandon us n she pulled mich lee away with her up e block of flats which was e one she lived in lah but of course we didn't noe mich goh, serene n i like went on wild goose chase lookin for em...den i urgently needed to use e toilet, yes i noe i always haf to use e toilet durin e wrong time :P...later we found out tat they hidin in her place, n we walked rite past her door lor...lolx...den stupid liyi refused to let me use her toilet!! so me n mich lee went to e gents at e petrol station haha...yes gents, but nothin new coz we went to e gents together too tat time after cheers comp lolx...den we went up to mich lee's place to see her cutie pie sis michole!! lolx she's onli 5yrs old n damm cute man...but she's abit of a tyrant...lolx kinda like me when i was young lah...4eva bullyin my older sis...hahahaahah...
pooh bear

Which 'Winnie The Pooh' character are you? Find out @!oh man i'm motherly?!
jus got a call from xiao qing...haix...e prefectorial board is in disarray...tinkin bout whether or not i shld do somethin bout it or jus mind my own business...den again i tink when e exco stepped down, we knew tat somethin like tis might occur...
last days
went to sch tis mornin not in e best of moods...mainly coz i knew i was headin for a 5hr crash course on cell structure with mrs gay for company lolx...den will haf to head for 1 hr makeup with ms leo...but not as bad as expected...was pleasantly suprised when yipin gave us all tis personalised hp thingy to duh hang on our was like our name n and our fav object, n she did it 4 everyone in our sweet of wonder she was askin me wat my fav object was 2 nites ago...seriously lah i'll miss yipin...i can't imagine how it'll be like when i walk into class n not see e tall thin gurl who i used to call chopstick...or how i'll get thru e day without hearin any of her lame jokes or facts...lolx...
went to watch mr n mrs smith with charis, jasper, teresa, zheng yi n zi yang after tat...ok lah..considerin tat i onli paid $6 to watch it @ princess...if it was like $8.50, i wld tink like not worth it lah coz e story is a bit unbelievable...haha we were like basically gushin bout how handsome brad n how beautiful angelina was thru out e whole movie, tink e guys got a bit sick of us, they prolly neva went movies with such a noisy buncha gurls b4...
behind these hazel eyes
I told you everything
Opened up and let you in
You made me feel alright
For once in my life
Now all that's left of me
Is what I pretend to be
So together, but so broken up inside
'Cause I can't breathe
No, I can't sleep
I'm barely hangin' on
Here I am, once again
I'm torn into pieces
Can't deny it, can't pretend
Just thought you were the one
Broken up, deep inside
But you won't get to see the tears I cry
Behind these hazel eyes
Swallow me then spit me out
For hating you, I blame myself
Seeing you it kills me now
No, I don't cry on the outside
Anymore...didn't wan to paste e whole song coz i felt jus these paragraphs were enough to vivdly describe wat i'm reali goin thru rite now...
i'm feelin reali demoralised...dunno y but i dun tink i'll eva b as gd in badminton as i wan to progress is slow...everytime i tink i've improved, i play against someone n i perform badly!...i reali luv e sport but sometimes i wonder if its coz i reali lack e talent in e prefectorial board last time, i could handle any difficult situation thrown at me...n i believed i've handle a fair few, but in tis team, whether sport wise or relationship wise, they're all presentin new challenges...haha...i haf such a stiff arm lah...dun haf e spring tat is required in badminton players...sometimes i tink i go for badminton jus to hang with e gurls...
i dunno...if i quit e team wat will i join? its too late for me to join anythin...n i dun tink i'll be able to take e fact tat i'm no longer gonna be part of e team easily lyin down...i'll prolly feel damm sad whenever i see e gurls noein i was once part of em...
i'm fightin now...i'm fightin not to give up becoz of u...i dun wanna let myself be pushed down by tis...but when everythin ard me, whenever i go for e one thing tat makes me happy n relaxed, seems to revolve ard's reali killin me slowly...n i can't tell anyone...can't share wat how i feel with anyone who can reali help me...n as long as i dun resolve our issue i tink it'll effect my relationship with e me!
3 days
went down to watch e cheers comp with meiyi, carlene n mich lee coz shuling, mich goh n june all takin part, yi xiang joined us later...wah eye opener man...these pple playin were of some standard wonder handsome say go dere get thrashed...found a new idol dere...tis gurl from tj who was playin singles...actually i noticed her durin our match against tj...tink she was playin 1st or 2nd she's gd...found out from hammie tat her name is charrissa or somethin den she used to be from dhs too! like hammie! her jump smash is like so perfect lah...aiyo!! goosebumps jus watchin her...after tat we went to eat zhi cha...i tink tat's e spellin...woah super nice...tons of funny things happen n as usual n we were like e onli table makin noise, while everyone else jus stared n ate their food...ahahah...remember tat we were tokin to e lady bout wat vegetables we shld order...den she suggested gai lan but e prob was none of us knew wat gai lan was so we were kinda discussin...den mich lee suddenly said "maybe we order bee hoon?" den stunned silence as everyone struggled to understand how bee hoon was connected to gai lan or vegetables! den major laughter lah!! e rest of our dinner was pple makin examples of wrong things like...i like noodles especially fried rice! aiyo...madness man...
sunday we celebrated my dear grandma's bdae! was suppose to do so sometime ago but she was warded due to asthma but we finally did it! went to tis balinese restaurant in telok ayer...hmm food not bad...but most imptly e whole family got together again!...haven't seen my cousins since chi new yr? haha...den it was e 1st time my sis bf joined e whole family for dinner, he was nervous n kinda stuttered n as usual i compounded his misery by laughin at him!! yes i'm evil!!
hope floats...dun fear me...i'm here...dun ignore me either... *fingers crossed* i saw u todae...but u walked away too fast...
i dun haf faith in myself...nor trust in anyone else...tat means i'm quite screwed rite?
everythin is a test they say...den i must haf done a great wrong in my previous life to deserve tis one...i'm reali being driven up e wall...i'm pissed no doubt...more pissed at myself den at u...n everytime u make me smile or laugh, i forget tat i'm pissed...i hate it when i'm weak, but i am when it comes to tis issue...slp is isn't helpin either...especially not when ur in it...i wake up feelin like i've been run over by a truck, n i dun wanna get up becoz i noe its another day where i haf to see u n den get reminded of everythin we're not anymore...
smsin with frens last nite coz i couldn't slp n didn't want to 4 obvious reasons...ok part of y i couldn't slp was finding out tat u found a substitute for me...ok tat's a bad word to use...another fren who's taken my place...yea yea e green eyed monster has taken over...n i kinda feel like cryin? i dunno y...lolx...timo replied me using tis line when i told him bout e issue : "if e person could let go of e frenship so easily, den mayb she's not tat gd a fren" i didn't delete tat msg, i kept it for e nxt time i feel weak, i noe i can read it n feel slightly better, pathetic i noe...den i went online n u were dere, i barely spoke 2 words to u...or rather u didn't seem interested in speakin with me...tis is all veri new to me becoz no one has eva treated me tis way...tat's y i tink its retribution for everyone i've treated tat way...haha...e part tat hurt e most was when we were in convo with other frens n u sorta made a pt tat made me sound so extra...swear u would neva do tat in e past...but u did it e present...tat's y i left e convo without sayin bye to anyone...
i won't quit e activity i luv for u...i luved e activity b4 u even exsisted in my life...though ur reali pushin me to my limits n tat i reali believe i would happier if i didn't see u at all...givin up e sport is not wat i'm gonna do...i noe ur not gonna stop makin me feel like extra...i noe u'll continue to invite everyone else to stuff xcept me...but i'm not goin to let u take tat away from me...
miss u guys!!
OMG!! i realised tat i totally forgot joanne's bdae!! shit man!! n its over like a long time ago...super sorree joanne!! i reali should not haf was like i was in e toilet, den i saw joanne
alison: hey kit's bdae comin le...u got her anythin?
joanne: bdae over le n u didn't get me anythin!
alison: (too embarrassed to speak, procceeds to use towel to cover my face!)
i reali must make it up to joanne though i haf no idea how to...lolx...if onli dere wasn't common test to worry bout after hols...den i would totally spend my whole hol hangin out with my old frens...catchin up with em coz i haven't seen em in a long time...can't wait for bv sunday market so we can all go together i can go bk to bv...e familiar enviroment tat i miss...e teachers, my juniors!! saw regina at e bustop a few days ago n we were like totally reminiscing bout our old life in bv...haha...
FOR A BETTER FUTURE...ahahahhhahahah