oh li choo
yest i became a proper mugger, kinda lah...i mugged for e whole afternoon after i spent e whole mornin jus lazin ard e house lolx...in e middle of muggin oh li choo msg me to ask me to go out, den tat gurl dun wanna tell me where we r goin somemore! i hate pple who keep me in suspense lolx...so after studyin i went to take a nap b4 settin out to meet her, coz she dun wanna tell me where we goin rite, i dressed like i was goin beach lah, n in e end we went all e way to suntec, i felt super undressed!!
turns out tat her original plan was to bring me to watch fireworks becoz yest was e national day preview, but coz road close mah, so we had to walk quite a distance from where we got down haha...den so we were standin on nicol highway, waitin for e sky to turn dark lah, i realised i rmbered tat i saw e advertisment for national day sayin tat tis yr its gonna b at e padang! so we rushed from nichol highway, tryin to make our way to e padang, passed suntec, city link etc, tokked alot along e way, passed alot of smelly makeshift toilets n alot of noisy army vehicles hahahahah...when we finally exited city link, we heard like loud boomin kinda sounds, den we rushed out n caught like e last firework...yah...we rushed all e way dere to catch 1.5sec of fireworks lolx...failure...hahahahah....after tat we kinda jus walked ard esplanade, b4 endin up @ marina's cafe cartel eatin 10 scoops of ice cream for dinner...i realised tat i told oh li choo alot of things tat i haven't told pple who i consider closer to me, i jus feel comfortable with her i guess, easy to tell her things...i told her bout e taurus fren "curse" lolx...not b4 i found out tat she's a taurus! i tink i kinda freaked her out haha...but i'm gonna take her advice n see how things go...6 mths from 30th july 2005...
oh forgot to mention tat she gave me tis alarm mouse thingy, if u wanna noe how it works ask me k, but stand 10 feet away from me b4 i demonstrate lolx...it is rather refreshin goin out with someone like oh li choo, she's got alotta spontaneity bout her, reminds me a bit of e peeps in my gang from sec sch esp jolene coz she also kinda into e band thingy jus like jolene was b4 she went to mj n became a floorball freak lolx...its been a long time since i've gone out with no destination in mind, nowadays go out with jc frens its like we plan where to go n wat to do when we get there, rarely do we jus walk...
dun wanna tok bout e hell i got when i reached home...arghhhhh!!!!!!!
sch is gettin a bit borin and repetitive for me...haix...used to like gp till ms ong came along...mean she's definately not a bad teacher, but i haf difficulty seriously keepin myself awake durin her lessons man! in 1st 3mths gp was like one of e few lessons i actually looked forward to, but with ms ong, its so by-the-bk...man i wish i could join ms yap's class with zheng yi n e rest, at least their lessons seem more interestin...they get german chocolates!! haha i sound damm shallow rite...choosin teachers over chocolates lolx...miraculously todae i didn't fall aslp durin maths lecture, quite an achievement seein how i've been slpin since mrs foong took over...n e fact tat i didn't slp, i realised tat i actually understand wat she's teachin...haha could jus be my lucky day tat she was teachin somethin easy...bio is gettin shitty confusin...dna, trna, mrna, transcription, translation, codons...haix...must revise man or sure die...den bio tutorial, kinda like one of e few tutorial classess i kinda enjoy n feel relaxed in...
after sch went to sintec shop to buy shuttlecorks for e class trainin, went with ziyang, slowpoke, robyn...den was seriously contemplatin gettin new grip for my new-but-alreadi-damm-dirty grip on my new raquet...but got no $$ so must save up! went down to cc after tat to play...not bad lah...can say i finally thoroughly enjoyed myself in a long time playin badminton...i kinda jus let go of stress n play e way i wan to...reali enjoyed myself...slowly discoverin my luv for e sport again...after trainin i went to eat dinner @ century square with teresa n oh li choo...den as usual we tok n laugh n tok n laugh...still rmb e last time i went to century with my badminton gurls, hahahah we tok n crapped sooo damm loud lah...e whole food court starin at us...luckily not so bad tis time...
after tat oh li choo took e bus home with me...dunno is she being nice to accompany me home or jus tat her father not free to fetch her yet lolx...we sat on my front porch n tokked bout a dozen and 1 things lah...we were tokin all e way from e bus till my house...alrite i guess...i find its quite easy to open up to her...*fingers crossed* things tat start up too gd neva end up well
now tat tats done...hehehe...lets do a quick update...sat i went to train with 05s07, haha...remember on fri nite, me junlong ken frantically searchin for courts to train coz everywhere fully booked, i felt tat they reali needed to train coz lee ling n oh li choo haven't played a proper game together, can u believe it? they've prolly onli played together for 3 days n i tink they're rather amazing alreadi!! but i played badly, so i was kinda moody after e match, thanx for all e encouragement guys! we went for lunch @ food court, oh tis is e funny part, me n oh li choo went to get bubble tea, so as usual we were tokin crap n makin alotta noise, e straws for e bubble tea were kept in a container on e table of e shop, so i opened e cover n poked straws for us, den oh li choo started makin her way bk to e food court, so i followed her, not noeing tat i was still holdin on 2 e cover lah! i onli realised halfway! den i screamed "OH LI CHOO! I'M STILL HOLDIN ON 2 E COVER!"lolx...we laughed till we almost cried lar! lolx...
can't rmb wat i did on sun...shoot...bad memory...kekez...mon was e 1st match of badminton open 4 e non-seeded teams, n i was linesman so i had to stay bk also...went with cherr, teresa, charis, zhengyi to e bubble tea shop near uncle louis...coz one of e shops alotta of pple mah, so i, charis, zhengyi bought from e other shop while cherr n teresa bought from e long queue one...lolx...cherr is gonna kill me, but i tink its great injustice if i dun blog tis! so after i got my bubble tea, i went over to join her, den coz of e long queue, they all haf queue no. so i asked cherr, wat's ur no.? she replied "oh my no. is 81022329" everybody was stunned n i was tinkin "queue no. got soooo long one meh?"...den she said " i jus changed my no." den everybody burst into laughter coz our dear ronglin tot tat i was askin her bout her hp no. lolx...n its super funny how she was e onli one who didn't get wat i was askin...
todae...2nd round for e non-seeded teams, 1st round for seeded teams, e class got thru even though they lost to one 1 team, luckily they won e other!! thanx to elvin, boon long, kai xiang n serene, dere was no pressure on me or vera to win our match, so we kinda played easy, winning 11-love...i'm still kinda afraid my team will face an early exit in e nxt rd coz elvin almost lost todae n i haf a bad feelin we gonna meet either mich goh's team, ying liang's team or edwin's team, i tink onli 3-4 teams without tpjc badminton team players r left in e comp, all e rest of e teams contain sch team players if not wrong...so it'll be weird playin against my teammates or my class...
i must learn to control myself, i got quite xcited esp when i was doin linesman for my class team...i'm not suppose to cheer for dem! haix...control control control!!
kk...haven't done hw...
anger managment
i tink i need to attend anger management classes...lolx...tis wk has been a horrible wk...i tink i've lost my temper and my control sooooo many times i've lost count...n i hate it...i dun like to get angry at pple but tis wk i jus couldn't control myself...n so many things jus went wrong...
pls Lord...make nxt wk a better wk for me...
m slightly excited for badminton open nxt wk...but my team is kinda divided...like we didn't reali train together much due to time constraint...jus me n serene practicin doubles...den elvin playin singles on his own...i didn't get much chance to play with e other guys or kym, so i dunno how we're gonna cope if we haf to rotate e team...plus serene kinda strained her back...*fingers crossed* hopefully everythin will be ok...coz i tink our team is quite strong...hope for e best!!
oh man oh man oh man...my raquet...my raquet...somebody broke me raquet!! jus when i felt tat i was finally becomin better, e raquet tat i've trained with for over 3++ yrs broke! i shall not mention e culprit's name...read my tag board...guilty conscience lolx...i feel soooo bad now...damm depressed...i dun blame him lah...he didn't mean it...but i feel sooo lost without my raquet...todae was playin with my class peeps n i took veri long to adapt plus i dun like e feelin tat i dun haf a raquet of my own...tat i haf borrow pple's one...sian...haha...rmb b4 i left for maths remedial i told junlong, "i leave my raquet with u...take care of it k" den in e middle of remedial i get a call from my raquet breaker to tell me tat he broke my raquet, i ran out of class man...haix...it was bad...had no mood to concentrate after tat...
coach recommended me tis green pacific one...but i dun like green! can't imagine myself carrying a green raquet with my alreadi green uniform...sian...but i asked him to bring on mon let me see...i went down to e sintec shop in tampines central but dere wasn't any tat i reali liked...
ok i noe its not e end of e world...but i jus can't stop tinkin bout my raquet...lolx i sound like i haf no life outside badminton :P
haha...been takin lotsa quizzes these few days...tink i rmb seeing tis one on handsome's blog b4 but neva got ard to doin it till now, mich lee jus told me bout it so i tot i'd do it =P
Your dating personality profile:
Athletic - Physical fitness is one of your priorities. You find the time to work athletic pursuits into your schedule. You enjoy being active. Liberal - Politics matters to you, and you aren't afraid to share your left-leaning views. You would never be caught voting for a conservative candidate. Adventurous - Just sitting around the house is not something that appeals to you. You love to be out trying new things and really experiencing life. | Your date match profile:
Practical - You are drawn to people who are sensible and smart. Flashy, materialistic people turn you off. You appreciate the simpler side of living. Adventurous - You are looking for someone who is willing to try new things and experience life to its fullest. You need a companion who encourages you to take risks and do exciting things. Athletic - You aren't looking for a couch potato. You seek someone who is active and who keeps his body in top shape. |
Your Top Ten Traits
1. Athletic 2. Liberal 3. Adventurous 4. Stylish 5. Intellectual 6. Traditional 7. Religious 8. Wealthy/Ambitious 9. Big-Hearted 10. Sensual
| Your Top Ten Match Traits
1. Practical 2. Adventurous 3. Athletic 4. Conservative 5. Intellectual 6. Religious 7. Traditional 8. Wealthy/Ambitious 9. Shy 10. Funny
Take the Online
Dating Profile Quiz at
Dating Diversionshmm...yup guess tis quiz is quite accurate lah...
ok lets give u a quick run down of my wk so far...
monday i had spe...n coz of sea sports carnival, mon's timetable was repeated on tues...which meant i had 4 periods of spe in a wk! played rugby, honestly lah...i dun mind watchin rugby on tv, but i absolutely haf no talent in playin it watsoever, n i dun enjoy playin it either man! den we had to do like 40crunches, 40pushups, which mean tat i had to do 80crunches, 80pushups for 2 days consecutively...den todae trainin, coach made us do 20pushups, 40 crunches, two sets of tat somemore! so altogether tis wk i haf done, 160crunches, 120pushups! n its onli wed lah...n was lookin in e mirror jus now...n noticed tat my ribs r stickin out like two lumps of god noes wat lah...it looks like flesh, but when u touch it, u realise its bone, it looks super ugly, n my mum was quite freaked when i showed her...she tot i dislocated it while trainin! ok realised i was digressin from topic...we ranaway halfway from e sea sports carnival n went to watch fantastic 4 with zhengyi n charis...quite gd lah...but not e kind of movie i'll rmb for a long time...after tat we went shoppin! mostly for class jersey, like checkin out prices n stuff...i super wan a class jersey! den we went to e esplanade, tis shop which sells movie stuff...wah...i was like a kid in a candy store man! i wanted to buy loads of lord of e rings stuff lah! like e glossy map poster which cost $80...die...must save money!
tues was e day my grandaunt was cremated, but i didn't go coz my mum didn't wan me to skip sch...so e whole day i couldn't stop tinkin bout how 2pm was fast approachin...2pm is e time she was to be cremated...i tink i did a pretty gd job of actin normal, though i was reali fallin apart inside...after sch i didn't wan to go home coz i noe nobody wld be bk home from e funeral yet...so i went to eat lunch with teresa n zhengyi, den we walked round tampines...oh got pasar malam! i super long neva go pasar malam le! a pity we ate lunch b4 tat or i'm sure i wld haf bought tons of food man!
todae had trainin again! finally lah...i miss trainin! kk...i still got lotsa stuff to say, but my eyes gettin itchy le...which means i've been on e comp too long n if i dun go off now, i'll haf sore eyes tomoro...
k...jus took tis quiz thingy which determines ur current mood n situation n wat kinda person u r n i tink its pretty accurate in all things it says...describes wat i'm kinda goin thru rite now...try it...doesn't hurt rite
tis is wat i got:
You are seeking an
affectionate relationship, offering fulfillment and happiness. You are
capable of powerful emotional enthusiasm. Deep down, you are a kind loving person, always helpful and
willing to adapt yourself if necessary to realize the bond of affection that you desire. But you need the same consideration and understanding from others and it is this need that will sometimes hold you back... so let go, trust and you may pleasantly surprised at what happens.
You like the better things in life. You are sensuous and
emotional. You are a follower of the Arts and you seek an environment that will give you the fulfilment to the senses that you need.
Everything seems to have gone wrong and the situation at this time is such that you are
not quite sure which way to turn. So it would appear that you are 'holding back', re-consolidating your position and relinquishing all fun and games for the time being.
Your willpower and stamina are in danger of being overwhelmed by excessive stress. Your resilience and tenacity have become weakened. You are feeling overtaxed, worn out and getting nowhere: but you
continue to stand your ground. You feel that this unfavourable situation
is an encumbrance which you could well do without and you find yourself unable to make the necessary decisions at this particular moment in time to change anything.
The tensions and stresses that you have experienced of late have been the result of trying to cope with conditions which are really beyond your capabilities. You feel completely inadequate to cope with the situation and you would like nothing better to escape from it all and to be able to relax in a problem and pressure free environment where you can do your thing.
smarty pants

What attracts people to you?brought to you by Quizillai realise i dun do well with death...e coffin, e body in e coffin...it jus tears me up inside noeing tat one day everyone dies...tat one day i'll haf to see e pple i luv most dead...
was awoken at bout 7+ tis mornin by e sound of my aunt on e phone...my aunt is neva on e phone tis early...unless...someone passed away...i lost my grandaunt at 2am tis mornin...she joined e Lord in her slp...i rmb walkin out of my room towards e telephone, my aunt wasn't dere anymore coz she went to e toilet, e yellow pages were open, to e casket section...everythin seemed so unreal to me...like a dream/nitemare...i sat down on e sofa...
i realised i cldn't stay in e house anymore, not with my grandma cryin n my aunt on e phone tellin all my relatives tat my grandaunt's gone...so i left e house earlier den i planned coz i was suppose to play badminton with my class peeps aniwae...i didn't tell em anythin...but i was dere 2nd earliest...junlong was alreadi dere waitin for us, slpin on e chair lolx...badminton was gd...it helped me put aside all e things buggin me b4 todae n wat had happened...
e last wake i attended was my granduncle...on my way to his wake, i heard e song "From This Moment On" by Shania Twain...den for years after tat i neva heard e song again...todae on my way home...i was tinkin bout when my mum wld bring us to my grandaunt's wake when i heard e song...weird n freaky man...its like everytime a family member leaves us i hear tis song...
i yearn to get drunk now or somethin...i need somethin to numb all e painful things tat haf been comin ard recently...i noe my frens are here for me...i noe if i need dem they'll be dere...i reali need u rite now...i reali wanna tok to u rite now...u can't solve all my problems but ur certainly e key to one of em...but its not gonna happen, it jus isn't...i wan to give up...i pray to Him every nite to ask Him to grant me strength, strength to walk past u n not feel a thing...strength to stop reading into everything u say...strength to stop feelin so emotionally attached to u...
But it's time to face the truth,
I will never be with you. i planned to msg shuling tis mornin to ask her if she wanna go get mich lee's bdae pressie in e afternoon, but now i reali dun feel like it...m i being selfish? haix...
deep tots
u said somethin...i'm not sure if it was directed at anyone...or rather not sure if it was directed to me...but i tink u reali made alotta sense...relationships r hard to maintain u said...or somethin along those lines...its starts off like a spark, warm, makes u happy/ excited...den its seriously heart-warming coz both of u realise e effort e other party is puttin in to keep it goin...but like in all frenships...misunderstandings arise...n coz e relationship is so impt to u, these misunderstandings hurt more den usual...both of u haf ur pride, so its difficult to start up again...things stale...u see each other...but nothin tat reali matters happen, u hang out together in a group, but u notice no more connections btw e both of u...or rather there r connections, but no one has e guts to act on it...from den on, everythin falls apart...u see each other, but u jus pass each other by...
i jus wanna say i can't take it anymore...or shld i be numb by now?
chi oral
chi oral todae...ughhh...dun reali noe how i did...or rather dun reali wanna noe how i did lolx...our class skipped e dunno wat session with some impt person tat all e jc1s had to attend coz of e oral, but coz of e fact tat i hung ard with e gurls after my oral was over, i left sch bout e same time as e rest of e cohort...i hate takin bus with the rest of my cohort, e bus stop is packed, e bus is packed n damm noisy...i reali appreciate my quiet bus ride coz its onli den tat i can clear my head esp if its been a bad day...haix...
seen u ard again 2dae...not as often as e past, not as often as i wld like? it doesn't feel e same anymore...less pain i guess? dunno...glad if tat's e case, means i'm slowly wearin ya down...u were rite across me, i saw u walkin den stopped, rite across me, u looked up at me i tink...but i didn't haf e guts to look bk...tink our eyes met once or twice, not long enough...deja vu...rmb tat tis happened b4...it was an outing, we watchin a demonstration...didn't xpect u to be dere, but u were...rite across me again...directly across...u were partly hidden by e crowd den, haha but u can't hide from me! u dun believe in fate? ur words hurt n influenced me not to believe in fate also...but how can tis be explained? ur a nice person, i noe ur...
met e new gp teacher todae...lets jus say...1st impression, i miss mr ben alreadi...she sounds veri by e bk...i tink gp lessons r gonna be quite boring from now on...*fingers crossed*...i miss e 50 word reading logs n e fri discussions =P
haix...ok i did quite badly for common tests...lolx...of course i'm sad but nothin i can do bout it now...made a promise to miss lee my chem teacher tat i'm gonna study hard for promos! n i will most definately do so...i soooooo dooooooo noooooottttt wannnnnnaaaaa retain!!!! tink careless mistakes were a main part of my downfall...all my teachers said so...i noe my stuff but i'm jus not careful n dun pay enough attention, ask me bout it k...u'll get a long list tat i'll most willingly, animatedly tell ya so tat u won't make e same STUPID mistakes!
now its time to rush hw...hahahah mrs neo didn't collect n i dun tink she'll collect, but i'll do it nonetheless *halo on my head* lolx...oh my gp teacher's bk...saw her teachin tis other class...she looks ermmm strict? guess i'll find out tomoro gp period...
suddenly miss badminton trainin, miss e atmosphere, miss e gals though i see some of em quite often...miss the times we haf encouragin each other to improve...miss e crap tat liyi comes up with tat alwaes cracks me up...miss shuling's lameness n her trademark "cutthroat" tat she alwaes does when we play, miss serene e goat! lolx and her willingness to go anywhere anytime...miss handsome n her power smash, miss mich lee and her prayers b4 our meals, miss mich goh and her mushroom hair, miss meiyi n carlene, e inseparable best frens n e best team managers one could eva ask for...miss june our capt who has e perfect balance btw being serious n nutty...miss jingfang e gurl who i can reali tok to and whom i haven't trained with in ages, miss kym, e other tallie besides liyi, and her neva say die attitude...miss pretty beverly who i'm hopin isn't gonna quit...miss candice my dear combi mate, e one i alwaes moan to bout studies! miss weiling n her unique laughter...miss all of u n e times we had 1st 3mths n 2nd intake! tis whole wk no trainin...*sob*...
wish me luck for tomoro's oral...*does shuling's trademark cutthroat*
hw hw hw
tomoro is like e actual day sch reopens lah...like e day we start our lessons accordin to time table again...i'm screwed coz i haven't finished my gp n math hw...i like haf 3 gp reading logs n 2 journals to do...n i haven't done 1 full practice math common test given to us...rite now i'm hopin/ prayin mrs neo doesn't collect it tomoro! i promise tat if she doesn't collect it tomoro i'll definately finish it asap...as for gp...wonder if my teacher's bk from her pregnancy yet...i mean pple dun stay pregnanat tat long rite...
ok quick update on e wkend tat passed b4 e wk i dread begins...fri i went to play badminton with my class pple...it was e usual badminton gang minus a few pple...den on sat i stayed home coz i was totally broke...watched aviva on tv...den went to attend dinner with my god parents...yummy crabs! lolx...tink e crabs were one of e main reasons i went lolx...sunday i went out with my class pple to get kit's pressie...hahaha...we spent 3/4 of e time shoppin for ourselves...we went from ps to heeren to far east...jus window shoppin n moanin bout how we didn't haf enough cash to get e oh so beautiful top or funky bottom...haix...den todae i went to play badminton again with shuling, mich lee n shuling's fren...we met ziyang, junlong n their sec sch frens i tink...den we all kinda meshed together n played together lolx...later we saw mich goh, shah, edwin n yi xiang also playin in e other court...
wed is my A'Level Cl Oral!! die die die...though most of my frens who haf taken it say it wasn't difficult...given my standard of chi...hahaha who noes man...