breathe in
Breathe In
Written by: Lucie Silvas
I feel like I'm dragging you down a one way street
I don't know which ways upAll I ask of you is to stay on your feet
That should be enough
If we stand around it could pass us by
We could give up now, and never even try(Chorus)
To breathe in life and breathe out
Like tomorrow is today
Breathe in life and breathe out
It's not so long to wait
Breathe in life and breathe out
Wipe the dust from your sweet smile
An breathe in life
I just want something real I can hold ontoI believe its near
Life's too short to never know the truthMaybe it's already here
We could throw ourselves into the fire
We could give up now and never even try
To breathe in life and breathe out
Like tommorrow is today
Breathe in life and breathe out
It's not so long to wait
Breathe in life and breathe out
Wipe the dust from your sweet smile
And breathe in life.
We're chasing something we've dreamed of
(is not always out of reach)It's never far away from us
('cause I believe that)
To breathe in life and breathe out
Like tomorrow is today
Breathe in life and breathe out
It's not so long to wait
Breathe in life and breathe out
Wipe the dust from your sweet smile
An breathe in life
Breathe in life and breathe out
Ooh, ooh, no, yeah, yeah yeah
Breathe in life and breathe out
And it's not so long to wait
Breathe in life and breathe out
Wipe the dust from your sweet smile
An breathe in life
Ooh, ohh, no, oh, ooh ohh
And breathe in life
Ooh, oh
And breathe in life.
tis is my feel-good song @ e moment...everytime i hear tis song it makes me feel optimistic n happy...n lucie silvas has a fantastic voice tat totally compliments tis song! though some parts of e song lyrics may sound weird, u'll agree with me after listenin to e song...e song is kinda bout seizing e day...somethin i reali haven't been doin...i was inspired to blog tis song coz of my fren's nickname,somethin bout how u shld neva let each day pass in vain
ur responses these days leave much 2 be desired for me...i'm tryin my utmost best to let us slide...wish me luck? haha...i'm not sure if i can take being cut-off from ur life n ur activities...but if i dun haf a choice,...ermm den i dun haf a choice rite? i'm not goin to be thick-skinned bout it n force myself in...
wanted to blog bout e bbq last nite but too tired by e time i came home...lolx bbq was super fun!! haha...i always neva fail to enjoy myself at all bbqs i up with ziyang, junlong,jasper, zheng yi @ bedok in e afternoon to get e food n stuff @ supermarket...kinda felt veri auntie coz of ziyang, he was like pickin fresh sweet potatoes n stuff...haha like touchin em n pressin em...n i was dere like buggin him to teach me how to tell if they're gd ones lolx...
@ e bbq e fun reali began...haha...remember cherrlyn sayin tat tis bbq was e neatest she eva attended, coz we actually arranged e food in order when we bbqed like some march past or somethin...den lamer lee ling said she asked e food to fall in liao tat's y they're r so neat! lolx...super lame was not like normal bbqs where e food is everywhere...den as usual, dere was a fair share of unedible sotong balls tat r hot on e outside but damm cold on e inside, den e otah tasted like plasticine but suprisingly cherrlyn liked it! come to tink of it, it actually looked like plasticine too man!! den we toasted marshmallows n of course, no class outin is complete without jasper makin a fool of himself...he totally burnt his marshmallow! like it was on fire lolx...mine was a bit chao tar but he's was like burnin when he finally realised lolx!!
den as e nite wore on, e guys went to blade n i stayed behind with foo lao shi,who came with her hubby, n some of e other lao shi is super cute man! she still holds hands with her hubby lolx!! den we realised tat if we dun bbq e rest of e food, it'll all prolly go bad, so me n zheng yi became teppanyaki chefs, bbqing all e food as fast as possible, becoz we were also runnin outta charcoal, so we had to move super fast la, flippin n removin n puttin new food to bbq...haha, den when we finally ran outta charcoal, we used dirty paper plates as fuel, lolx unhygenic i noe, but desperate times calls for desperate measures, so junlong was like e fuel guy, i would say like "junlong!! my fire dyin le!!" den he would take dirty paper plate, n take some fire from zheng yi to burn n put into my pit...he went bk n forth n bk n forth...super funny!! he couldn't take a breather coz paper plates being paper of coz burnt out quite fast lah!
after tat we took a break, n went cyclin!!! god i reali missed cyclin man!! i haven't cycled in ages n thorougly enjoyed myself even though i cycled for quite a short period of time...den we tried teachin zheng yi to cycle, i tink she learns quite least she didn't fall down...remember i must haf fell at least 10x e first time i learnt how to cycle, but den again i taught myself, so i didn't haf anyone to catch me when i fell lolx...
of course e main idea of e bbq was to give yipin a gd sendin i purposely treated her like a slave yesterday...lolx, i made her my butter gurl, i was like "YIPIN! BUTTER NOW!!" den she wld run over n butter all e stuff i was bbqin...tink she enjoyed it in a small way coz we laughed alot @ all e mistakes she made...tink i'll cry when i see her off at e airport...she's reali a unique character, lolx one of a kind...from her luv of frogs to e sound she makes when she gets tickled...i may haf known her a short time, but i'm pretty sure life isn't gonna b e same without her...e chopstick! hey u better tell me ur el name b4 u leave ya? like u promised k gurl!
todae i went for badminton trainin, i tink i performed veri badly, couldn't lob properly den couldn't smash properly...onli enjoyed playin doubles with serene...hmmm tinkin bout it, i neva imagined tat i would become so close to serene so e first time i met her i tot she super dao...but actually she's quite cute n fun to b with haha...used to always hang out with handsome n astig durin trainin, but now i tink i've kinda drifted apart from em, dunno if tat's a gd thing, but it has def given me e chance to get to noe other pple better...
lookin back in retrospect...i tink i finally understand y i got so attached to u so quickly...when u first came in, i was in a totally new class, i didn't like e class n i missed my old gang from 1st 3mths...for a reason i dun wanna disclose, i became sorta distanced from kit, my closest buddy in jc...den u came along one day, i felt chemistry with u...e kind tat i onli get with pple who end up being close frens with me...i luved tokin to u...u made life interestin, n made skool considerably less boring....guess we jus moved too fast? haha...i sound like i'm describin a relationship...but i'm was jus a frenship gone wrong?...i'm not one to let frenships slide away like tis...i've had more den a fair share of frenship probs n i can safely say i've solved all of em...but i get tis feelin tat ours is gonna be e one i let slide...unless u show me a solution...coz i reali haf none...n from wat i see...i tink u've moved on...
suddenly all tis seems familiar...wait...i've faced somethin similar...a fren who decided to move on...but at least tat fren finally got back on better terms with me at e end of it better terms possible for us? better terms gd enough 4 e perfectionist in me?
give me time...either we'll work it out...or i'll move on...jus like u did?
woohoo...jus came bk from guitar nite with jingfang, shuling n candice...serene was dere too but she was with classmates i tink...ken n sexy mole attended as well...pretty gd actually...nice melodies...though e singin wasn't...but i guess tat's prolly e reason y these pple r in e guitar club instead of choir haha...realised tat dere r actually two gd lookin guys in guitar...lolx..tink i've been hangin too much with charis...makin me boy crazy...we bought pink glowsticks n i realised tat when u wore e glowsticks round ur hand, it looked like e breast cancer wristband, so i told e gurls tat we look like we supportin breast cancer cause n i haf absolutely no idea y they laughed so damm loud man...n shuling was like "dun tok so loud! hahahah (more laughter)"
wed my class had learnin journey to e science center...n suprisingly i had a better time den expected...tot we would be goin dere to see some sian exhibition, but e exhibition had some pretty interestin shit, like optical illusions n tons of hands-on stuff tat we could actually we were dere jus in time to watch tis lightning show thingy n we even got to was super cool, we watched e lightning strike two ballons filled with helium n e balloons immediately burst into flames!! tink i sounded a bit bimbotic dere rite? haha...tat's coz i'm typin this at 11.20pm at nite n i'm super sleepy alreadi...aniwae after all tat, we got on e bus n made tons of noise coz we finally got to sit all together at e back of e bus (we couldn't do so coz astig's class was sittin at e back on our way dere)...oh somethin super embarrassin happend...fu lao shi lead 3/4 of our class onto e wrong bus, so we basically took a spin round e science center carpark n den got off e bus when she realised her mistake...super paiseh...haha...n we got off rite in front of e science center in full view of everyone includin astig's class peeps who prolly tink we r damm stupid to not realise tat they were not on e bus we got on ...n were prolly laughin their heads off at us along with everyone else...
returned to sch after tat 4 badminton, played for a while b4 we went off for dinner at e golden arches...after dinner, shuling, mich lee, jingfang n me were walkin bk to e sch bustop n mich lee saw a cockroach...she screamed "cockroach!!!" n ran ahead of us to get away from it...e funny part was tat e cockroach seemed to b followin her lah!! it was hilarious coz it was all quiet ard us den mich screamed n it seemed to echo round e HDB blocks!! n being e evil pple tat we were, we jus froze n laughed our heads off!! wait, dere's more...we continued walkin n i receieved a call from bang lin, so i walked behind n spoke to him, den i heard n even louder scream from mich..."cockroach!!" followed by tons more laughter lolx she saw another cockroach la...her scream was so loud tat even bang lin asked "who was tat screamin?" hahahah...super cute mich lee!! from den on till e bustop, she watched every step she took jus to make sure she wouldn't run into her fav insect again!! laughed so much tat day tat my stomach hurt n i had difficulty breathin man!...n to tink astig, one of e few peeps in badminton tat can reali make me laugh wasn't even present lah!!
saw 3 old frens todae!! nicholas was with timo, n e tie n dye shirt he wore matched his multicoloured bio textbk...lolx...den i saw si min from 1st intake class which i still miss alot despite e fact tat i'm beginin to slowly luv my current class (bbq tis sun!!) si min is still e same, still e cool tall gurl tat luvs to crap...finally i saw jun "luffy/worm" xian in popular where he's workin...if ur wonderin, he's name is jun xian n he looks alot like luffy from e cartoon "one piece" n he used to sing tis song bout a worm tat got run over by a train or somethin lolx...hahaha...n he luvs makin fun of my name...
wow! super long entry, e longest eva i tink...woah 11.50pm tuition at 10am tomoro!!
tat's it...enough is enough
And everytime I see you in my dreams
I see your face, it's haunting me i've straightened out my tots...after speakin to a few of my gd frens...i've decided...i won't let u affect me tis way...not'll onli coz me uneeded harm...i remember some time ago when we were smsin...i can't remember how we came to tis topic...but i remember askin u if i was a worthy fren to u n u said "worth it" i'm throwin down e challenge to u...prove to me tat ur a worthy den when u ask me whether ur a worthy fren, i can give u e response u gave me...lets stop tis game...if tis is even a game in e first place...i'm sick n tired...n i need u to give me a straight up response...continue treatin me e way u do if u reali do not value tis frenship between us...den i'll noe n though i'll be sad n embarrassed tat i wasted all tis time, at least i'll move on...
quote from jolene: "if she's a true fren, u'll noe it in ur heart...if she's not den y bother?" jol is soooo rite...damm i miss her lolx
when i look into ur eyes...its conflictin emotions i get...unless i'm jus being super i'm so tired...
What have I done
You seem to move on easy tinkin bout it...i guess e fault isn't entirely urs...i should haf given u more attention n reaction...but i didn't...hehz...mayb u jus decided to move on?
My weakness caused you pain i feel soooo much better after tis post...feel like i've poured out everythin...e shuttlecork is in ur court now...either serve it bk to me...or walk outta e court...i noe u'll read tis post eventually...but i won't stick around 4eva
Empty spaces fill me up with holes
Distant faces with no place left to go
Without you within me I can’t find no rest
Where I’m going is anybody’s guessI’ve tried to go on like I never knew youI’m awake but my world is half asleep
I pray for this heart to be unbroken
But without you all I’m going to be is incomplete
Voices tell me I should carry onBut I am swimming in an ocean all aloneBaby, my baby
It’s written on your face
You still wonder if we made a big mistakeI’ve tried to go on like I never knew youI’m awake but my world is half asleep
I pray for this heart to be unbroken
But without you all I’m going to be is incomplete
I don’t mean to drag it on, but I can’t seem to let you go
I don’t wanna make you face this world alone
I wanna let you go (alone)
I’ve tried to go on like I never knew you
I’m awake but my world is half asleep
I pray for this heart to be unbroken
But without you all I’m going to be is incomplete
haha...still a sucker for bsb...tis song is all over e radio...stuck in my head...kinda like e lyrics...describes wat i've been feelin...
i've been hafin bad dreams recently...its a diff dream every nite, but its basically along e same concept...actually e first dream was gd...den it got progressively i can't stop tinkin if these dreams r gonna come true...i dun wanna lose tis fren...i haf no idea why tis person has such a profound effect on me!! i reali tot things were goin to be ok...den these dreams started to occur n i realise tat reality was sorta mirrorin those dreams to a certain extent...lolx...forget it...i'm prolly jus overeactin...
wanted to blog last nite, but after sea sports heats, astig's bdae dinner n one bio essay, i was jus too damm pooped to even sit up...rite after i finished my essay i jumped into bed, n i still woke up with slight dark rings lolx...
sea sports heats was super fun!! ok i'm a little disappointed tat we got 3rd for our heat of dragon boat...kinda blame myself coz me n zheng yi, being e pacers in front, didn't reali co-ordinate, so e whole boat kinda went haywire...mayb its was comp stress...but no excuses, i'm willin 2 shoulder e blame lolx...den we had mini dragon boat which was undoubtedly my fav event of tat day, coz i sat all e way in front, so it was quite excitin when we were goin fast!! ok i noe tat makes me sound reali retarded, but unless u sat in front of e mini dragon boat too, u wouldn't understand lolx...girls relay was pretty cool too though i tink we spent most of our energy cheerin for each other instead of rowin =p
after cleanin up, met up with shuling,june,carlene,serene,mich lee,mich goh n astig to celebrate astig's bdae...haha...had alot of fun with these peeps, coz of all e crap we tokked bout...lolx me n serene competin with each other on everythin...tat gurl is sooo cute man...reali haf fun interactin with her...den we stood in e middle of suntec city decidin where to go...interestin bit was tat most of us were in casual shorts n tee n flip flops, kinda e stuff u wear down to e void deck mama shop like e whole world was givin us weird stares!! den we spent e whole of dinner recordin astig's reactions n stuff to her pressies...forced shuling n myself 2 eat super fast so we could go get cake for her n we reali suffered man, we like holdin our stomachs as we ran round suntec lookin for gd cakes lolx...but we took too long n astig prolly figured out we went to get her cake haha...all in all not bad a bdae celebration lah...considerin it was our first in e team...
glad tat jc life has events such as songfest, sea sports carnival etc...tink life would be so boring n repetitive without these events...kinda look forward to e nxt event which is guitar nite coz zheng yi is performin haha...must give her support lolx
hahah went out todae with mich lee n shuiling under e pretense of gettin badminton shoes but actually we were shoppin for a gift for someone...had tons of fun lah...we laughed from e start to e end...n we laughed so much tat mich lee had a tummy ache...tis is one funny part k...we were eatin dumplings in e food court den e dumplings came with vinegar n garlic to dip in...after eatin all e dumplings, shuling actually ate all e vinegar n garlic coz i dared her too!! obviously she turned a weird colour n she was frownin non-stop lah but i tell u it was damm funny!! ask me to show u e video n i will...i saved it on my hp lolx...
feelin a bit sad tat we ruined e suprise...sorree i reali didn't mean one of e most enthu pple had to haf a hand in ruinin it...haha tryin to find ways to make it up...lolx...mich lee says tat tis bdae is like an expt coz its a first by e badminton we shall learn from our mistakes n try to make e nxt bdae better? sorree again k...i hope u'll read tis lolx
actually got tons more to say...but e thunder n lightnin is scarin e shit outta me lolx...oh b4 i all 05s07 peeps: lets work hard for sea sports heats n make it for dragon boat finals!! i noe we'll be at a disadvantage coz of our numbers but i noe if we haf united spirit we can make it!! luv u guys!!
tag board
hahah...i finally got a tag board after hafin a blog for like 1 1/2 yrs...jus too lazy to go about gettin i didn't see e need for one...oh well...after some encouragement from frens...finally got u pple better tag k!!! p.s if u can't see it den refresh e page k...
ok tis is part of e convo i had with alton n dennis todae at e sports hall lolx
dennis: u look so tan lah
alton: yah u look damm tan man
dennis: come here let me see ( proceeds to put his arm nxt to mine)
dennis: my god ur darker den me lah!!
so proceeds e rest of our convo which basically focuses on how dark i've become!! irritatin pple!! am i reali tat tan...i noe when i shower e tan is quite obvious but i didn't tink it was tat big a difference hehe...
went down to e sports hall todae to watch our final match against tjc...dunno if it was a wise decision coz i skipped bio makeup for i haf no idea how to write my spa report...hopin i'll be able to sponge some stuff from zheng yi tomoro haha...suprise suprise we actually managed to get more pts against tj den we did mj...haha...handsome played singles for e match todae n somehow i tink she performed fact i tink e whole team performed better...does tis mean tat she's better as a singles player?? hmmm food for thought huh?
some reason or another...all e pple from 1st intake in my class includin me spent e whole day tinkin n missin our old frens!! i miss e old 05s07!! i missed em even more when i was at e sports hall n e gurls started makin stars with their fingers n takin pics with their hp...reminded me of e time i was with kit, teresa, wan hua n cheryl where we did e exact same thing!! we saved a kitten tat day too!! haha...i miss u guys matter where u are....take care...we'll definately go out again someday k!!
oh guess class is goin for some learnin journey to e science center...i tot we'd be watchin omni theater or somethin coz tat's e onli interestin thing at e science center aniwae...turns out we're goin for some exhibition...sian...but i guess not as bad as some other classes...i heard some r goin to e cpf buildin...jc excursions seem quite sucky lolx
mother's day
tis yr is e first mother's day tat i didn't celebrate coz my mum had work engagements n my grandma got sick so she didn't wanna celebrate either...but i jus wanna say i luv e both of ya...HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!! haha...
been doin some tinkin recently n i realise wat kit said to me a few days ago is spot on...i've been neglectin my old frens for my new ones...n i am truely light of recent events, i realise my new frens dun reali noe who i am...n to be fair...i dun reali noe who they are either...but of course we jus to got to noe each other, which is y i reali should not haf put my feelins n ass on e line for these pple in e first my all my old frens...i'm gonna be there for u...tat's a promise...
to a certain new fren...i dunno if ur worth all e time i spent on u...but ur a big disappointment...u treat me nice when u feel like it...den u put me down 2 secs one shld be treated like tat...i'm sick n tired n i haf no idea why i got so emotionally involved with u...sadly i'm pretty sure tat i'm still ready to be ur fren shld u need me...but i noe ur reali pushin me away...
kayakin vs dragon boat
ok we lost e mj match but could tell tat they all put in their best n tat's all tat matters if u look at e circumstances...i noe most of em r sad though they dun show it...tat's e thing bout these gurls...they're strong...stay strong my frens...deres always nxt yr!!!
yeah went kayakin with e class todae...dun tink it was as fun as dragon boat coz we kinda all had to be separated into diff kayaks while in e dragon boat we r like damm united...haha...but kayakin had its high points when we did mini dragon boat with it...n half e time we're rowin, we tryin our best not to capsize though we eventually did!! den dunno wat possesed us but we decided to play in e water after out timeslots were over so we basically splashed incredibly dirty water at each other n nobody was complainin!! expt banglin of course hahaahaha...oh n i could hardly eva keep myself dry lah coz all my so called gd frens kept sprayin water on me e moment if got even a tinsy bit dry!! lee ling n yi pin!!! i tot e capsized accidently lah, so i ran into e water to help them, den e moment i got within splashin distance they totally attacked me!!! hahahah...even some badminton gurls were dere, like shuling, astig, weiling n sandar...of course i was splashed by den too...hahaha...
after kayakin we went play pool n as usual i sux skills improved abit n me n yipin won e match against charis n teresa...but charis rox lah she like noes all e diff angles to shoot e ball haha....aniwae i'm soooo damm tan now...look like a tomato but haf skin like chocolate or somethin...
mj vs tj
woooo....long entry...u ready?
ok...started off e day feelin least i tried to feel gd in anticipation of my chem spa trial...ok so everythin went on without a hitch thru out e trial...did my titration n my calculations n everythin...n for once i actually felt confident tat i could ace spa...den e bomb dropped when i asked alvin for his results after it was coz alvin's done tis b4 so he's kinda like e person to compare results with n ms lee like always praises him i ask him what percentage he got for e final calculation n he's like 93%...immediately my jaw drops...coz i got 15.8%!!! how far off can i get rite? sian...hahahahaha....
but tat's not wat's on my mind now...left sch early with e badminton gurls to catch e mj vs tj match at sports hall coz we're playin mj on fri...n like totally eye-opener for me is super super super super super super super super super super i noe y even rj fears em...mj totally got thrashed by them...i wonder if mj were playin their best team knowin full well tat they haf a match in hand with us...mayb they were savin energy for us...beatin us will still get them thru too...hahahha all thru e match me n handsome were like exclaimin at how gd these pple were playin den astig was like pmsin or somethin, she kept askin us to keep quiet! hahaahah can u believe astig, e gurl who toks e most among all of us, askin us to be quiet...interestin huh?? totally fell for one of e gurls from mj...tink she was e 2nd singles she's soooo cute, like sec 1 kid but she ran all over e court n worked her butt off...haix she lost in e end though...i remain seriously optimistic for handsome n astig...oh yah n june too...i seriously tink tat they got chance!! i believe in them!! not tat my belief means much anyway haha...
You Are 50% Normal
(Somewhat Normal)

While some of your behavior is quite normal...
Other things you do are downright strange
You've got a little of your freak going on
But you mostly keep your weirdness to yourself | tis quiz from handsome's bloggie...sounds like me alrite...usually a perfect balance...but can be tipped 2 e other side by e right kinda pple...ahahah lolx