i'll be dere 4 u
hey i'm ross!! yeah!! my fav character...aniwae happy new year everybody!!
all over again
had my class bbq yesterday...it was fun, but i was jus reali happy tat i got to see all my classmates one last time b4 we part n enter e world or tertiary education...as i was leavin e chalet, i remember turning round n waving to e guys who were stayin over...i felt so sad...haiz...i noe things will neva be e same again...it makes me sick in e stomach knowing tat i neva made known my true feelings for some of my frens...guess i jus couldn't stand being sappy n telling em how much i'll reali miss them...or thank them for makin me feel so much a part of their click even though i was different...THANK YOU GUYS!! U MADE SEC SCH EDUCATION E BEST PART OF MY LIFE SO FAR!!
movin on...i haf to report to tpjc on mon...n its orientation all over again, from holding n organising orientations, i'm now goin thru it...n in all honesty i hate it...i hate hafin to introduce myself to pple who most likely would haf made an unfair judgement bout me by tat time...i hate playin ice-breaker games like wacko where we haf to remeber peeps names in 5mins...haiz...dun even noe if i wan to turn up...life's reali fucked up rite now...
guess who's bk?
hey!!! i'm bk from my trip...okie actually i got bk on mon...but was too lazy to update till now...jus in case i forget...MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ONE N ALL!! may all ur wishes come true n 2005 be e best yr yet!!
enjoyed being a tourist in bangkok...reali tons of things to buy...bought new clothes, new sandles n stuff, everythin was reali cheap...i luved their huge weekend markets like chatuchuck ( i tink tat's e spellin)...u get everythin from pets to religous items...in e end i tink we spent round 2 1/2hrs but we onli covered bout 1/4 of e whole place...also luved e nite markets where u can get fake branded stuff...lolz naughty naughty!! one of e nite markets was located in e red light district, e strip clubs were a little disturbing at first but because there were so many, u kinda get used to it after a while...we also spent a whole day at these megamalls where 3 normal sized malls are joined together, i walked so much in these malls my ankles ached e next day!! e air in bangkok was horrendous though...it was filled with dust even in e morning...my onli regret is tat we didn't haf enough time to do sight-seeing as we spent most of e time tryin 2 cover e shoppers heaven side of bangkok...
me, myself n i
okie...so i'm super free rite now...haf decided to try n describe my personaility...so here goes...i tink i'm a fairly careful person...i always double-check stuff tat's important...though when i feel shitty, i usually don't :p...i'm a veri cautious person, n i tink tat's a flaw coz i find it hard to trust pple...i'm a slight neat freak in tat i'd rather stack my stuff up den leave them lyin ard, e prob is too many stacks become n eyesore...lolz...another major flaw of mine is my luv of critising, tats got me into alot of shit b4 (jus ask my frens :p)...i tink i can communicate quite well with most pple, but i get super tongue tied in front of pple i like or admire...though i luv talkin, u will sometimes find me quiet n aloof, tat's most prolly coz i'm tinkin bout something or i jus haf absolutely no idea wat to say! i get all choked up inside when it comes to unfortunate pple, so i try my best to help e peeps around me whenever i can...oh, i cry when i watch sad stuff on e telly...but i will try my best neva to let my feelins show in public...tink i'm a rather trustworthy person, give me a job n i'll put in my best n get it done...also i'm quite a loyal person especially when it comes to frens, no matter how many times my frens let me down, i always forgive n forget n stick to em...i tink i'm n honest person coz i feel terrible after i've told a lie, so generally try not to, keyword being generally...lolz...another one of my flaws is tat i'm quite sensitive, after i'm critised, i'll tink alot about e critisim n reali let it bog me down n destroy my confidence...tat reali used to affect me alot...but i'm doin better now...tink i haf a knack for remember bits of info on topics tat interest me, eg. at e hype of e LOTR saga, i was ramblin on lines from e bk all e time, drivin my mum nuts!!
kekez...starting to see circles in my vision, which prolly means i've been on e comp too long...goin off to pack for my hol in bangkok!!
hey arnold!

find out which hey arnold character you are!
lolz...yeah i'm arnold!! tink i'm one of e few 16 yr olds who still watch cartoons...yeah i watch cartoons n i'm not ashamed to admit it!!
flu bug
feelin terrible rite now coz i've got e flu n i can't do anythin i wanna do...i'm basically spendin e whole day sittin on my ass with tissue stuffed up my nose...if it sounds bad, trust me when i say tat it looks worse...i'm been rubbin my nose so much i tink it must haf expanded twice it's size...haiz...must be all e rainy weather...e thing i reali need rite now is a gd bk or some new cds...sadly, i haf neither coz i jus finished up my library bks n i'm too sick to go get new ones...as for e cds, i ain't got enough bling bling to buy any...my onli consolation rite now is e pc n my radio...tats y i'm on e pc all day tryin to complete fifa2005, gettin bored of it though...thankfully i managed to persuade my mum to buy me a new game!! or mayb i could get some when i go 2 bangkok...yeah goin to bangkok aka land of e baht n incredibly cheap stuff!! goin to shop like crazy when i go...most prolly goin on e 18 of december...not confirmed...
u noe how all ur life u search 4 one person who's jus like u...who connects with u n makes u feel good bout urself, whom u enjoy hangin out with...i've realised tat i haven't found tat person yet...ok from my description, it sounds like i'm lookin 4 luv...but luv is not wat i'm tokin bout...i'm tokin bout e one fren...e one u call a best fren...its quite sad tat i haven't found one yet...or mayb its coz i'm e onli one left lookin n everyone else has found theirs...they say secondary sch is e best time to make frens...yeah i tink i've made alot of frens in sec sch...but nope not a best fren...i dunno wat's happenin to me but i dun seem to feel comfortable round my gd frens anymore n i dun reali wanna do e activities tat they wanna do...i feel bad declining them all e time but e holidays haf made me realise tat i enjoy stayin at home n tinkin bout where i'm goin in life...i'm becomin a little homebody...scarey huh? i noe...i tink i jus wan to find someone whom i can trust 100%...someone whom i can talk to bout anythin under e sun n not feel weird...is tat too much to ask?
ladies n gentlemen...our veri first Singapore Idol...TAUFIK BATISAH!!
YEAHHHHH!!! OH YEAH!!! TAUFIK WON SINGAPORE IDOL!!! tis is one time whereby i'm glad tat i was proven wrong (read my last post)!! man...i was feelin damm nervous moments b4 e results were released...my mum tot i was mad...thankfully my R&B Soul man won!! but in all respect to sylvester...i tink he reali did his fans proud coz he sang reali well...e best i've eva heard thru out his whole idol experience...i luved e new single tat taufik is goin 2 release...i'm tellin u its gonna b huge!! i can jus picture people requestin it on perfect ten n it being no.1 on e top 20 countdown...i felt goosebumps when he sang it...
but i tink tis is onli e beginning...i can definately see taufik branchin out from asia n conquering e american music scene...n sylvester will become e next jay chou!! it'll b a riot if taufik fails 2 make n impact but sylvester becomes a multi-million chinese recording artist huh? hopin tat it doesn't happen though...i haf 2 end of by sayin tat after watchin e whole season of Singapore Idol, n neva missin an episode, i still don't noe wat e gurls adore bout sylvester *rolls eyes*...lolz...