hey hey pple i'm bk frm my lil blog hiatus, dunno y for a certain period of time jus didn't feel like bloggin @ all (haha a certain someone will say its coz she can't read my blog so i dun blog @ all, say it with me now "bullshit!") aniwaes HAPPY NEW YEAR!! well 2005 wasn't as bad as expected, kinda sad to leave it behind now coz 2006 is a scarey prospect, e real fight begins, e big A's await me and relationships stand on e edge of a knife
yest went to shujing's party, kinda of her farewell party coz she's leavin for aussie land to study soon, its sad, one by one all my frens gng abroad, jol's nxt after she's done with her A's, gonna grab her leg and refuse 2 let go so she can't board e plane =P nah its their future and i can't be selfish though of course I'M GONNA MISS THEM LIKE SHIT! haha i was late for e party yest coz i was playin badminton, so e whole gang had to wait for me b4 they could start eatin dinner ( sorry again guys) aniwaes, e food was good, tink it was frm tis shop nearby my place...lolx but e main attraction had to be e dark chocolate fonduue, me jol and jo were like practicallly parked next to e fondue and we cldn't stop eatin it esp jo who despite hafin sore throat still doused e chocolate down...den we all went into e livin rm and had our alcohol fix, yup underage drinkin so sue us, den went into e kitchen for white wine, haha was funny, they started hafin white wine shot drinkin competition and its like everytime u finish a cup u haf to turn it over to show ur opponent ur done, but everytime they did tat, drips of white wine wld jus come out! lolx but not their fault tink its prolly e cup...den we went upstairs and tokked bout e gd'ol times...i felt so happy, i reali reali reali miss gatherin with all these frens...it felt so comfortable, no words to describe...
how to love
i dun wan someone to love me outta pity
i dun wan someone to love me outta obligation
e qn buggin me is, how do u noe u love someone? e old sayin is tat u'll jus noe, yeah rite like tat helps me alot...if u've been with someone a long time, pple immediately assume its coz u luv dem...it might not be so, u cld jus happen to enjoy their company...lolx but den again i dun tink anyone who doesn't luv me cld possibly enjoy my company...i wish i cld tell u tat i dun wanna b with u coz u dun love me e way i love u, i can't becoz i'm not even sure bout e way i luv u...so if u're in it, how cld i ask u to turn away?
hahaha dolly shah tagged me so now i haf to play e game...it goes like tis
Rules of the game:
1. Post 5 weird/random stuff abt yourself
2. At the end, list the names of 5 ppl who you want next to this and leave a comment "YOU ARE TAGGED" in their blogs and tell them to read your blog for rules! So here's 5 really, really weird/random stuffs:
u guys ready? lolx
1) in sec sch i had 2 of my essays published in e sch yearbk (considered an achievement coz usually they onli publish one of each student's work for fairness) and was considered like great potential for a career in writin and stuff by my tchers, e irony is: eva since i entered jc, i've been failin or jus passin gp essays =P muahahahhaah
2) i'm a veri orderly person, i eat my food in a certain order, i comb my hair in a certain way, read e newspapers in a certain order (not e way it came in eg i'll not read e straits times b4 readin home) aiyo i tink u get e drift
3) i'm a badminton player and i'm not e kind tat hates runnin even though i wld choose to play sports rather den run, but nonetheless still manage to get gold timin for tis yr's napfa, aniwae in pri sch i was like damm overweight, like cannot even run 200m without gng flat, everybody i've shown my pri sch foto to is like in shock tat i look so different, coz basically in upper pri i suddenly didn't wanna b fat anymore so i ran round my neighbourhood every afternoon, yeah i started dietin when i was in pri sch, when most kids tat age durin my time lar cldn't give 2 hoots bout their image
4) i can't cook, but its not coz i dun wanna learn, nobody wans to teach me!! my grandmother is afraid tat if she tries to teach me i'll blow up e kitchen, i alwaes haf tis dreaded nitemare tat when i move out i'll end up eatin maggi noodles with instant or canned food e rest of my life den suffer lots of health problems when i grow old becoz of tat
5) i luv dogs, so when i was young and my mum brought us shoppin, i wld refuse to walk with her, instead i went straight to e bkshop and sat myself down in e animals section and jus read all e bks on dogs and i can proudly say at a certain period of time i read all e dog bks tat mph had in stock, yes i even read wat to name ur dog accordin to his or her character lolx!
oh no can't believe i jus did all tat...e world is gonna tink i'm weird...besides e pple who alreadi do lar @ least hahahhahahhah
five people whom I want to do this:
jolene, kenneth, leeling, qaiyimah, mich lee
Your Brain's Pattern |
 You have a dreamy mind, full of fancy and fantasy. You have the ability to stay forever entertained with your thoughts. People may say you're hard to read, but that's because you're so internally focused. But when you do share what you're thinking, people are impressed with your imagination. |
Your Birth Month is September

Tolerant and inspirational, you are wise beyond your years. You are universally sympathetic and a great humanitarian. Your soul reflects: Devotion, light, and love Your gemstone: Sapphire Your flower: Morning Glory Your colors: Brown and deep blue
Your Dominant Intelligence is Linguistic Intelligence |

You are excellent with words and language. You explain yourself well. An elegant speaker, you can converse well with anyone on the fly. You are also good at remembering information and convicing someone of your point of view. A master of creative phrasing and unique words, you enjoy expanding your vocabulary.
You would make a fantastic poet, journalist, writer, teacher, lawyer, politician, or translator.
I'm like a faith without a clause to believe inwent swimming 2dae with choo, e onli reason y i went is coz i wanted to get tan, but e moment i woke up tis mornin, looked out e window, and it was like e most cloudy dae i'v eva seen, like even though i was in my rm, under e covers, i cld feel e cool breeze radiating from my window arghhh so i didn't get much of a tan, i must go bk, i wanna go bk!! aniwae some pple late lor, make me wait for 1hr+ lar! and but i guess it wasn't so bad, coz tat 1hr gave me time to go to church, which i haven't been in ages...it was serene, to jus sit dere in total silence and be in e presence of e lord...haha i was e onli one in church coz no service, den jus a couple of guys cleanin e air con vents, i prayed for a bit, most of e time i was jus sittin down dere and enjoyin e peace and quiet, i rmb b4 i went in, i was pissed coz choo overslpt, but e moment i got into church, all e anger jus evaporated...haha...
I am throwing myself at things i don't understand
Discover enlightenment holding your handaniwaes we went to katong swimming complex, it was i first learnt swimming as a little gurl, man all e lifeguards r e same lor, they jus looked slightly older...swimming again after soooo long was refreshing, and alot of memories of my swimming lessons @ e complex flooded bk...i reali enjoyed myself haha...oh haix but e canteen no longer got my fav ham sandwich lolx...reali like tat swimming complex even though choo says its not an olympic sized pool (some pple onli wanna swim in olympic sized pool leh!), but its nice and quiet...until after we finished bathing, then tis whole buncha ang moh kids from an angmoh sch i tink, came to take swimming examinations haha they were soooo cute!! after tat we sat on e steps of e complex waitin for e rain to stop, saw tis old man wearin nothin but a towel, sitting down dere smoking uggghhhh totally disgusting man!
You know they can have their universeafter tat went to chinatown to eat my fav fish soup, haha choo was sooo scared she'd meet her collegues lar coz she told e boss tat she can't come in 2dae =P found out tat tat area got alotta nice stuff...hmm nxt on my palate i wanna find e wild boar meat my dad used to buy frm ard tat area, dunno frm which stall leh...yeah i'm babaric i eat wild boar, so sue me!
oh man can't wait to go swimming again and tan!!!
Whether i'm up or down
There's no crowd to please*OUT*
life u ask? well life sux...cliched i noe...but life sux man...
i tot after meetin u, things wld get better, it alwaes does, i guess it did, but it neva lasts...e pain alwaes comes bk...hell i dun even noe if its pain...i'm jus one confused little gurl stuck in tis complicated world, i jus wan peace...world peace *chuckles* sometimes i tink i'm quite incredible haha ego u say, but i dunno how i take it all, i dunno how i can jus keep it inside, so no one noes, when i see my frens they dun haf a clue, i make look so fine and dandy yeah i'm gd...no i'm not drunk...dreams i haf plenty...but where my heart reali lies is in peace, ay i sound like a hobbit...i wanna get a home with e one i luv and jus live dere, come wat may...but of course in sunny singapura it ain't neva tat easy...life aint neva gonna b tat easy...