service learnin
Nothing seems to be the wayThat it used to
Everything seems shallow
yooohooo todae i went to metta association to do service learnin! must say i didn't reali noe wat to xpect lar, coz like neva do volunteer work at an elderly rehab center b4, apprenhensive at first, plus e rain made me even more dun feel like gng...but aniwae i went...we reached dere earli so we didn't haf to go in yet, me charis leeling jus kinda walked past e place n took a peek thru e windows, dere was alot of elderly pple dere, alot more den we expected, dere was like onli 13 of us n i tink there must haf been 40 elderlies for e first half an hour we kinda jus slacked down dere coz they were doin arm exercises with e physiotherapist, den e woman in charge of e center came to speak to us to xplain tat most of dem here were stroke patients, n later we wld haf to serve dem e pandan cakes we bought, after tat some of dem will go home while some others will stay a little longer, after which we wld play games and after all e elderlies haf gone home, we wld clean up e place...haha jasper told me tat most of e guys were jus stonning n not even paying attention to wat e woman was say lolx...
coz i was still kinda sufferin from flu, so i was advised by ken not to haf too much contact with e elderlies, so all e gurls n ken n junlong went to serve e elderlies tea n pandan cake, while i waited at e side with da wei, alvin, jasper, caleb n was quite cute watchin kit n charis serve e old folks, kit with e tis big smile on her face, passin dem tea, while charis holdin e pandan cake box n wearin a plastic glove passin dem e pandan cake...after tat some of e elderlies went home, so e guys helped dem onto their wheelchairs n pushed dem to e bus, while e rest of us arranged e chairs in 2 rows of 11 for e games! we sat alternate, 1 elderly 1 student, haha charis n e old man she sat nxt 2 became gd frens lolx tokin bout everythin under e sun, n e 2 rows passed bean bags n competed against each other, to us it might haf jus been a simple boring game, but i could tell tat e elderlies reali enjoyed it, they got reali excited n reali wanted to win! lolx n tink they influenced us in e end coz we got super competitive too, even resortin to cheatin by passin 2 bean bags at a time! den they did some exercises by walkin up ramps, n jus for e fun of it, we participated n walked up e ramps too! e whole xperience reali tugged at my heartstrings coz all of us went dere not noeing wat 2 xpect, but after e elderlies went home, we all agreed tat we wld come bk again after promos! esp me! coz i feel tat i didn't get to do much coz of my flu =p
after tat we stacked back e chairs n mopped n sweeped e floor, e gurls did tat, e guys were not so lucky, they had to clean e toilets! lolx...lets jus say it wasn't exactly wat they had xpected n needless to say they didn't enjoy it haha...i bought a cute purple bear christened "messy mao" lolx, seriously i tot e bear was cuter den e rabbit/ dog (yeah i can't even tell if its a rabbit or a dog lar) tat zhengyi n charis bought
after tat i decided to go see doc coz i've neva suffered from flu for so long b4, plus i was coughin quite badly tis mornin, as in like dry cough, so i was afraid it wld affect my voicebox...haha can see all of u rollin ur eyes now...
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